Elden Ring offers various playstyles for its players to choose from. Depending on what attribute players want to focus on, players can approach this game very differently. Some can choose mage for long-range battles, confessor for mid-range battles, and warrior for close-range battles. There are many other classes for players to experiment on, but these three are the most commonly used ones.
This class focuses on long-range magic attacks. Its power relies on the attribute called intelligence. Elden Ring provides its players with plenty of spells. Some have a closer attack range, and some have a longer attack range. Some even apply negative status effects on the enemies.
Confesor focuses on mid-range attacks. It uses incantations that either apply positive effects on one's self or apply negative status effects on the enemies. Confessors are usually a supporting class that buffs one's attacks. Its damage is less than average mage builds but it's unique status effects makes it stand out.
Warriors focus on melee attacks. Its prominent features are its high health and high damage. However, having a closer attack range means that players have a greater risk of getting hit by monsters, especially bosses. Their high health and damage do compensate for these risks.